Laser Treatment

Acne Laser

Acne laser therapy usually entails three sessions at a doctor’s office and it aids in the reduction of acne symptoms,

it is only likely to provide temporary relief.Acne bacteria and skin oil can be reduced by laser therapy, which may also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Well, So far, 19 trials have produced a wide variety of findings, ranging from 36 to 86 percent acne clearance. Laser therapy, on the other hand, only delivers partial results and is not recommended as a first-line acne treatment.

The stronger the laser, like many things in life, the better it will perform, but it will also generate more negative effects. Redness, peeling, blistering, crusting, and bruising of the skin are some of the possible adverse effects.

Darkening of the skin in darker-skinned persons is also a cause for concern, so if you have darker skin and are considering laser therapy, be sure to question your dermatologist about this and wait until you are satisfied with the laser he or she has chosen.